One test detects all pathogens causing HFMD

Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) is a common acute infectious disease mostly occurring in children under 5 year old with symptoms of herpes on the hands, feet, mouth and other parts. Some infected children will suffer from fatal situations such as myocardities, pulmonary edema, aseptic meningoencephlitis, etc. HFMD are caused by various EVs, among which EV71and CoxA16 are the most common ones while HFMD complications are usually caused by EV71 infection.

Prompt and precise diagnosis guiding in-time clinical treatment is the KEY to preventing serious results.

Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD)

CE-IVD & MDA approved (Malaysia)

Enterovirus Universal, EV71 and CoxA16 Nucleic Acid Detection by Macro & Micro -Test

Not only deferentially diagnoses EV71, CoxA16, but also detects other entroviruses such as CoxA 6, CoxA 10, Echo and poliovirus by the Entroviruses Universal System with high sensitivity, avoiding missed cases and enabling much earlier target treatment.

High sensitivity (500 copies/mL)

One-time detection within 80 mins

Sample types: Oropharyngeal swabs or herpes fluid

Lyophilized and liquid versions for options

Shelf life: 12 months

Wide compatibility with mainstream PCR systems

ISO9001,ISO13485 and MDSAP standards


Post time: Apr-30-2024